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Los cercos removibles fueron creados en los Estados Unidos hace más de 30 años a raíz de los elevados índices de  mortalidad infantil por ahogamiento  o  asfixia por inmersión en piletas de natación, con el objetivo de brindar una mayor protección a bebés, chicos y mascotas.

Los cercos tradicionales (tanto los rígidos como los de alambrado) conllevan el riesgo de que los niños los puedan saltar o traspasar e incluso trepar, que sus puertas queden entreabiertas o tengan de cierres que ellos puedan aprender a abrir, además del riesgo de electrocución, cortes con materiales oxidados o politraumatismos si se golpean contra ellos.


Seguridad en Piscinas BabySecur
Apertura Valla Piscina BabySecur

BABY SECUR:  Safety, Aesthetic and Convenience

Gracias a nuestro equipo de trabajo en investigación y desarrollo, contamos con más tecnología, generamos mejoras continuamente y hemos logrado la valla de piscina más segura para la protección de sus niños y animales de compañía.


​Most accidents in swimming pools happen when children learn how to open the gates or latches and gain unsupervised access to the pool or when gates do not latch but appear to be locked.

Our system is intrinsically safe, for they require both hands of an adult to operate and in the case of the automatic gate both closing and latching operations happen without user intervention.

​BabyClick Latch​ 

​ Our exclusive BABYClick latch is very easily operated by an adult, using both hands, but children lack the height, strength and dextrity to open it. unlatching a pool section opens a pool access 1 to 2 meters wide.


Our Textilene®  mesh offers over 99% transparency and  wont streech, shread or tear. It lets the air through and it won't become opaque from hard water exposure, like glass fences do.

We weld the edge material instead of sewing it, so there is no thread to rot, as in other products.

Optionalself closing and LATCHING Gate

Operates with magnetic latch and lock.


Especially recommended for community and public pools.

Also as an accessory door when the pool is used by teenagers too.


We manufacture our fences using materials that can withstand the outdoors and most of our components have been specially designed for our application.

We offer an ample assortment of mesh and floor sleeves colours so we can supply a fence that matches any patio or garden deco.

Tejido TEXTILENE® ​con borde soldado  

  Our Textilene®  mesh offers over 99% transparency and  wont streech, shread or tear. It lets the air through and it won't become opaque from hard water exposure, like glass fences do.

We weld the edge material instead of sewing it, so there is no thread to rot, as in other products.

Patented Poles

Our posts have an structural design that assures the best resistance to impacts. They are made of marine grade alluminum and either silver anodized of powder coted, so the won't rot or decolorete for many years. They have been certified by an independent testing company to comply with the Spanish Building Code

Safe and Weather Resistent Components  

​All of our fence components are weather resistant and won't rot, tear or break under normal use. The fence doesn't have sharp or pointy parts and, in case a child runs into it, it cushions the impact.

The mesh is non conductive and the aluminum posts are isolated from the soil by the plastic sleeves



Our network of certified installers uses propietary tools and procedures which warranty a fast and flawless installation and will assits you on determining the best layout for your new fence.

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