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Los cercos removibles fueron creados en los Estados Unidos hace más de 30 años a raíz de los elevados índices de  mortalidad infantil por ahogamiento  o  asfixia por inmersión en piletas de natación, con el objetivo de brindar una mayor protección a bebés, chicos y mascotas.

Los cercos tradicionales (tanto los rígidos como los de alambrado) conllevan el riesgo de que los niños los puedan saltar o traspasar e incluso trepar, que sus puertas queden entreabiertas o tengan de cierres que ellos puedan aprender a abrir, además del riesgo de electrocución, cortes con materiales oxidados o politraumatismos si se golpean contra ellos.


A BABYSECUR removable fence will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your children are protected by a product that also matches any landscaping situation and allows unrestricted access to the swimming pool.

We design, manufacture and install our fences in order to assure our customers the best product AND installation. 



BABYSECUR fences come in 1 meter and 1.22 meters heights.

The mesh can be black, grey, green or tan combine with anodized silver Posts or anodized black Posts combine with black mesh

BABYSECUR is a modular system, so it can be taken down by sections or compleately in under two minutes.


You can also open one or several gates up to two meters wide, to ensure an unrestricted access to the swimming pool.

Our fences are maintenance free. They do not rust, corrode or decolorate for they can withstand UV rays and the chemical used in swimming pools.

They are also almost unaffected by hard water, which stains glass and stainless steel fences.


​Most accidents that occur in fenced swimming pools because children  manage to climb, get across the fence,  find the gates left ajar or learn how to operate the  locks and latches.

BABYSECUR's fences are designed to prevent children from climbing for they do not present any foot hold or firm handrail. Its gates are key lockable and  self closing.

​Most accidents that occur in fenced swimming pools because children  manage to climb, get across the fence,  find the gates left ajar or learn how to operate the  locks and latches.

BABYSECUR's fences are designed to prevent children from climbing for they do not present any foot hold or firm handrail. Its gates are key lockable and  self closing.


Our network of certified installers uses propietary tools and procedures which warranty a fast and flawless installation and will assits you on determining the best layout for your new fence.

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